» [DC] Grabber & Casino »

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dear Habbos, Come to my Grabber & Casino ! I just opened it 2 day ago because i got 3 Gbs(Gold Bar) that time idk what to do with my Coins i just buy and sell what a boring. then when i want to exchange my 4 gold coins to 2 sacks i been scammed ! aw SH** ! Casino.Ace69 scammed ! he is fker dude , my coins left 100c :(. at night ! Wooo! lucky i get gold bar from MassLaugh, he kind lol.. he said wanna give me a throne ! OMG DUDE u serious? Lol, then i take decision to make a grabber ! woots ! that really Fun. if i luck ! woots money come to me! lol, but sometime i lose sometime i win ! but nvm, i keep buy rare . LOL , now i got 2 rare on my Grabber & Casino ! woots ! so happy lol.. hope more money come to me !


Thursday, January 6, 2011

yaw! clare is here! im gonna check out this blog . and change a little thing here . and maybe a littlee girlish . hahaha! sorry boy . hehe.. :) . but i'll try hard to choose a suitable layout for boys . :) it's hard for me to choose cuz im a girl . and i dunno wat colour that suitable . :)  good luck . to me. lol .